Who wants a building that is cold with dull colors and make you not to enter inside? Who wants a building where things are barely seen? No one, since it gives us an unpleaset feeling, that's why they are an important point to be considered when an architect designs a building.
Daylight in Architecture Daylight is one of the things that cannot be controlled by the architect. But the architect can play with the possition of the objects according to the lighit, and then he gives us different impressions with the same objects. It is the use of indirect natural light to illuminate the interior of the room, with less artifficial light. According to Erassmussen, there are three ways that light can enter in a room. 1. The bright open hall It is more seen in places with hot climate, it is sorrounded by glass. 2. Room with a skylight. This is quite different from the above one, since here the light enters only from the top. 3. Light entering from the side. This is the more normal lightening since it comes from the side with the perfect angle. Taliking about the perfect light we aren't saying the quantity. We confuse it because quantity isn't the most important, quality is in the same height as quantity. When they mix together they can produce us the perfect light.
Color in Architecture Different from the color in work of arts, color in architecture, during the time doesn't lose its color, and even if it loses it still does exist. In architecture color is used to emphasizes the character of a building, for example the hospitals are made with white or blue color. It is also taken as a symbolic way of calling the things, for example, instead of reminding the long name of the room the architect uses colors to notice the rooms. And talking about the rooms from the inside, there are some tips for the coloring in inside, small rooms usually use pale colors and the cold rooms use warm tone of colors. Also the color of materials for building are taken as they are likely in nature. For example we quietly have seen blue bricks or purple wood. And color can be a powerful expression for an architect who have something to say.